Category: Study Abroad
The Study Abroad Experience in Rome
By: Annie Johnson When the plane landed in 32 degrees Celsius weather at the Rome Fiumicino Airport, I had no idea what the next four months of my life were going to be like. All I knew was that I was jet-lagged, sweaty, and terrified. Despite being in a non-English speaking country, I attended an…
The Athens Experience
By: Karis Mulcahy My introduction to Athens, Greece was at a hostel tucked into a side street, as though it was hiding from the rest of the city. Since my study abroad experience through College Year in Athens (CYA) did not start for another day, I spent my first night in Athens with five strangers…
Studying Abroad in Aberdeen, Scotland
By: Madeline Moss Studying abroad in Aberdeen, Scotland was truly a transformative experience. Unlike other programs, Aberdeen lacks many of the language and cultural barriers that others present, so I found myself more deeply immersed in Scottish life. The University of Aberdeen’s “Go Abroad” team played a crucial role in my study abroad experience as…
Redefining Myself: Finding Strength and Independence Amid Unexpected Challenges Abroad
By Lily Stickley I spent six months studying abroad last year in Auckland, New Zealand. From July to December, I was the furthest away from home I have ever been in my entire life. I left the country for the first time, going approximately 8,300 miles away. I knew I wanted to study in New…
The Benefits of Language Immersion and Study Abroad: The Way We See
By Audrey Pegouske We have all been subjected to language requirements, classes for romance and Asian languages, and heard adults praise the importance of studying when you are young and malleable. This is frankly overwhelming, and some students may stray from their desires to further study abroad or even stick with a language introduced to…